What Is A Conclusion?
A Conclusion is you Declaring that the final steady-state has been achieved and the 'correct' answer has been given.
A conclusion is a Story that you have petrified into a Fantasy World.
If your orientation is mere Survival within your childhood Survival Strategy, rather than Living Full Out as an Adult on a Transformational Path of Adulthood Initiatory Processes, then it would make sense to make as many Conclusions as you can. Why?
- Because Conclusions create for you the illusion / delusion of Understanding. Modern culture schooling has amplified 'understanding' to be its highest goal. What does understanding get you in a constantly evolving universe? It gets you the illusion that you will get a good grade on the next school test. Seeking 'Understanding' means that you are still in school. You might want to consider quitting school and healing from school...
- Because Conclusions create for you the illusion / delusion of Control. If you believe that you have already compartmentalized much of the world into the 'right' Conclusions, then you have the idea that you can Control what happens to you and around you. Having an Adult Inner Structure is not about gaining Control. It is about effectively Creating, Negotiating, Inventing, and High Level Fun through Transforming new results.
- Because if you make the same Conclusions as most of the other people around you, then you can join the 'let's all agree' space, and you are accepted into the local (Zombie) society. A 'Zombie' is defined as 'anyone who is not aware of the Values of the Gameworlds they serve'. You support the Values of any Gameworld you participate in, whether you are aware of those Values or not.
If your orientation is more towards Living than mere Surviving, it may be time for you to reconsider the cloud of Conclusions that you have generated for yourself to live in. Making Conclusions is, in fact, optional.
The fewer prefabricated crystallized Conclusions you live within, the more access you have to the 'Mage Interface' where Creation, Invention, Healing, Initiation, Adventure, Discovery, and Transformation can happen. (The 'Mage Interface' is the meeting surface between 'What Is' (an accurate assessment of current reality) and 'What Is Possible'.)
If you ever saw someone blowing soap bubbles into the air - especially those gigantic soap bubbles 30 to 50 centimeters across, made with a mixture of green soap, glycerin, and a little water - there is that conclusive moment when the soap bubble seals itself off into its spheroidal shape. After that, the soap bubble floats off in its own little world.
That 'Soap Bubble Formation Moment' is a precise metaphor for making a Conclusion.
When you make a Conclusion, you seal off a bit of reality into a Fantasy World which is no longer exchanging energy and information with the rest of the universe. That cut-off Conclusion Space can no longer evolve, because evolution would require the Conclusion to change... and conclusions to not change. They are Conclusions, after all.
If you begin to examine the Conclusions that you have either created for yourself, or adopted from external authority figures, you will see that whatever part of your inner or outer world is included within the Conclusion has been cut off from life. It is isolated and suffocating, rigid as a fossil.
No one can dissolve a Conclusion that you hold onto.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from disintegrating any (or all...) of your Conclusions.
- Make sure you are in First Position, that is, make sure that you are Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and staying within a Minimized Now inside of a consciously Declared Energetic Work Space.
- Choose one from your list of your Conclusions that you collect at the back pages of your Beep! Book.
- Remove your Purpose Sniffer from your Possibilitator Toolbelt, and aim it at your Conclusion. Find out what the Purpose of your Conclusion is.
- Experientially Notice in your 5 Bodies how making the Conclusion has created a Fantasy World which you have been inhabiting as if it were reality. The 'fantasy' is that the world is now - and will rigidly continue to remain - as you have Concluded it to be. Write down in your Beep! Book all of the Shadow World benefits you derive from staying inside of your Fantasy World.
- One of the Shadow World benefits derived from staying in the Fantasy World created by your Conclusion is to Deny something. Unfold your Fantasy World to find out precisely what it is that you wished to Deny at the moment you created the Conclusion. (NOTE: For more clarity about Denial, please study S.P.A.R.K. 080. Write the exact Denial down in your Beep! Book.
- Decide if you wish to continue to Deny what you created the Conclusion to deny. This is a "Yes," or, "No" question. This decision may be a Flux Point in your life. You may be about to create a new future for yourself. We shall soon see...
- If you do not wish to continue using the Conclusion's Fantasy World to deny what it denies, then you can simply Change Your Mind about the Conclusion, letting the space-protecting effect of the Conclusion disintegrate, thereby entering a Conclusion-Free relationship with the world around you.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: During this 'Conclusion Dissolving Process' you will feel the Feelings and Emotions of the transformational Liquid State while your Inner Structure reorders into a shape that can no longer hold onto your Conclusion. The Denied Feelings and Emotions are released. If you do not feel anything, if your Numbness Bar is too high, if you are still using the Old Thoughtmap Of Feelings, your Conclusion will not dissolve. Then you will remain trapped inside of your Fantasy World. This is an example of the value of getting to Phase 2 of Feelings Work.
Once upon a time in the long and glorious history of the American game called Baseball, there were three Umpires. Now, the Umpire plays and important role in the game of Baseball, averting many arguments, fist-fights, one would dare say, even a few murders, because it is a Rule of Engagement in the Baseball gameworld that the one who judges whether a Baseball that is Pitched to the Batter by the Pitcher flies not too low and not too high and directly over the Home Plate and is called a 'Strike', or if that Pitched Baseball is thrown outside of the 'Strike Zone' and is called a 'Ball'.
This decision is so crucial because any Batter who gets three 'Strikes' is 'Out'.
Now it came to be time for the National Baseball Umpire Convention and a wise Master of Ceremonies arranged to interview three Baseball Umpires on stage in a Panel Discussion. The title of this particular Panel Discussion is: The Mystery of the Call, and it attracts thousands of Baseball enthusiasts into the auditorium.
The first Umpire to be interviewed is the greenhorn, fresh out of the Umpire Training and Certification Program in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Master of Ceremonies ceremoniously clears his throat to quiet the excited audience and asks the greenhorn Umpire, "How can you be certain that any given Pitch is a Ball or a Strike?"
The audience quiets down while the greenhorn scrunches up his face, wishing he had this thick Umpire Uniform on right now with its thick chest-protection-pad and its armored face-mask to guard off everyone's piercing scrutiny aimed exactly in his direction. He takes a deep breath, looks into the audience's expectant faces, and says with certainty, "I call it the way it is."
The audience lets out their chili-dog and Cracker Jack scented breaths as one big sigh, and look back-and-forth at each other, nodding their sun-reddened heads in approval. But of course! How could there be any other answer than this? The Baseball is either in the Strike Zone or not! Easy as apple pie!
After the plebeians settle down, the Master of Ceremonies clears his throat again, for the audience is visibly antsy in their Assumption that there can be no other answer more truthful than this.
The second Umpire to be interviewed is a full-fledged professional Umpire having served many seasons all across the nation in his E.C.C.O.-chosen profession. The Master of Ceremonies catches the Umpire's eyes - those very eyes relied upon by so many to track the path of a small string-wound leather-sewn sphere streaking by at ninety-miles-an-hour on a sunny day - and places the burden of his question upon his shoulders, "Tell us, Sir, after all your years of experience, how can you be certain that any given Pitch is a Ball or a Strike?"
After a few more chews on his Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, and a swallow, the experienced Baseball Umpire candidly explains, "I call it the way I see it."
Almost as one the entire audience lets out the sigh of a satisfied mind. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" they moan in unison. What truth has just been spoken. Of course! This is the Umpire's job! To see the Ball! There is no machine, no Strike-Zone-Field-Detector yet invented that can, Pitch-after-Pitch, game-after-game, season-after-season so reliably see where the Ball flies. This is what the Umpire is paid for: standing in his expertise at calling it how he sees it.
Even the Master of Ceremonies nods his head at that answer. He imagines that the apex of this year's climactic Panel Discussion has already been reached. None in the audience would care to be sitting in the third Umpire's seat right now. All eyes focus on his sun-leathered face and hunched over shoulders.
During this Gap in the Noise, the tension in the auditorium continues to rise, as if it is the bottom of the Ninth Inning, the Home Team is two Runs behind, the Bases are Loaded, the Batter already has two strikes, the Pitcher eyes his Short Stop and First Base Man, and then reels back for the Pitch. What will the Umpire say?
The third Umpire to be interviewed in this exhausting Panel Discussion has been a Baseball Umpire, it seems, almost as long at the noble gameworld of Baseball has existed. He sits alertly in his padded chair, neither chewing nor fidgeting, seeming to scan the entire audience with soft-eyes as if he can take everything in as one whole scene. He does not even turn towards the Master of Ceremonies as this most serious inquiry is leveled in his general direction, "And you, Sir. After so many decades of co-creating the multi-faceted ever-evolving gameworld of Baseball, how can you be certain that any given Pitch is a Ball or a Strike?"
This moment has always been remembered. It could never be forgotten. It was that moment when seven-thousand three-hundred and forty-two ardent Baseball aficionados sit in absolute silence on the edge of their seats, speechless, longing for the truth to be spoken for the third time in a row in this incredibly powerful Panel Discussion.
The moment is so silent you could hear a drop of sweat hit the floor. But the Third Umpire, this Wizard Umpire, the Umpire called in when problems become inconceivable and every known solution is blocked by emotional Reactivity and Gremlin shenanigans, THIS Umpire... is not sweating. He is Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, Present, and Attentive, with 13 Tools strapped to his waist. He is Holding and Navigating the Space of this entire auditorium into Extraordinary... no... into Archetypal Domains. Without looking at the Master of Ceremonies, in a firm but grating voice which every individual can hear but not every individual can understand, the Third Umpire says, "It is nothing until I Call it."
No one agrees in their retelling about what exactly happens after that.
Not even the video-recording sound system tolerates the intensity of the outburst from the disrupted crowd.
Some remember that the Third Umpire was carried out into the dining hall on the shoulders of the crowd.
Some say the third Umpire was crushed by confused and outraged Baseball Fans trying to force their reality back into the shape it had before they heard the third Umpire's answer and he had to go to the hospital.
What we think happened is that the Third Umpire stepped sideways out of the space he had just created and walked calmly out the door as if he were a janitor. Nobody noticed where he went. But some people's lives were transformed, and they somehow got together and started an Initiation Center in the hills of Costa Rica that still exists til this day.
Phase 1 of Adulthood is learning to Inner Navigate your Feelings and Emotions so that you can naturally take care of yourself in life. This is about:
- Making Boundaries
- Saying, "Stop!"
- Saying What You Want
- Locating yourself in First Position
- Activating your Real Voice
- Owning your 5 Bodies
- Owning your Gremlin
- Transforming your Gremlin
- Decontaminating your Adult Ego State
- Owning all 3 Worlds
- Taking Adult Level Responsibility
- Intentionally Holding Energetic Space in a specified Context
- Jacking-in to your Bright Principles
- Escaping from the 8 Prisons...
...all of which together are part of Possibilitator Training (several Expand The Box trainings and at least 10 Possibility Labs during which time you prepare to deliver and practice delivering your Archearchy Specialty of your Nonmaterial Value. Such is itself nearly miraculous to accomplish if you were born and raised in the modern capitalist patriarchal empire culture.
Phase 1 of Adulthood must be achieved before you can begin Phase 2 of Adulthood. Phase 2 Adulthood is about:
- High Drama
- Delivering 3 Phase Healing
- Legend Making
- Navigating Space
- Conscious Creation
- Invention
- Making Proposals
- Making Transformational Proposals
- Negotiating Intimacy
- Making 5 Body Intimacy Journeys
- Radical Relating
- Discovering
- Adventure
- Transformation
- Gameworld Building
- High Level Fun
- Living Full Out...
...all of which is legendary and yet possible. Many Possibilitators are already in Phase 2 Adulthood. So much human potential is being wasted in modern culture education and modern culture economics. It does not have to be.
In next culture - archearchy - the culture that is naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course, are centered on authentic adulthood Healing and Initiatory processes that activate you delivering your Nonmaterial Value and the services of your Archetypal Lineage.
In Phase 2 Adulthood, it is possible to create, inhabit, and relate within a space that is free of Conclusions. Such interactions are superbly delightful! (This, of course, is an opinion...)
Conclusion Experiments
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.01
All day (and night) long, you make conclusions about yourself, the people and the world around you ongoingly and unconsciously. The purpose of this experiment is to do it consciously instead.
For the next ENTIRE week, consciously make as many conclusions about yourself, others and the world as you can about any situations, problems, proposals that arises. Hold them as solidly and as firmly as if they were THE absolute truth.
Be politically conclusive, medically conclusive, personality conclusive, psycho-emotionally conclusive. Surround yourself in a world of conclusions, as solid as granite.
Notice and make notes in your Beep!Book of the results of your experiment especially in regards to your ability to relate, to think, to feel, to connected with your inner and outer resources as well as your freedom of movement in those domains.
Do not justify yourself to anybody about why you are doing it. The invitation is to do this experiment secretly and observe the results.
At the end of the week, review your experiment. Single out the five people you made the strongest conclusions about. Write a letter of apology to each them share with them that you were doing an experiment about exploring the world of conclusions, and the discoveries that you made about yourself, and your connection with them through this experiment.
After writing and sending all five letters, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.02
You might - as a number of other people - have an ongoing Inner Conversation about yourself that judges you, critises you, blames you, beats yourself up, for the purpose of trying to become a 'good' or 'better' person.
This experiment is about changing your orientiation at an 180-degree angle by holding the absolute opposite Conclusion about yourself.
For one entire week, conclude as if it was the Truth that you are pleasant, wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, strong, clear and in fact perfect.
Yes - perfect. In reality, you are perfect. Understand this: at in any given moment, what you are doing could maybe be done by somebody else AND in that moment, there is nobody else than you doing what you are doing so in fact you are the only person who can do what you are doing now. The Universe organized it that way as the best way it could be done. In the whole Universe, you are in the circumstance to do what you need to do and you did it. Therefore, in conclusion, it was perfect. Who are you to have judgment about how the Universe decides to organize things?
At the end of this experimental 'positive conclusion' week, take a new photograph of yourself (avoid selfies - instead ask someone to take a photograph of you) in which you are perfect. The photograph needs to be a close-up headshot looking directly into the camera.
Replace all your photograph of yourself on your social media and website with your new self-image.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.03
As you are building awareness about Conclusions and their devastating effects on radical space of relating, your experiment is to be the Conscious Asshole that cares enough about radical relating spaces that you are unwilling to let slide Unconscious Conclusion in your space of relating.
For the next week (and for the rest of your life, if you experience any value in taking a stand of radical relating spaces), every time someone in your environment makes any Conclusion, thoroughly argue against the use of Conclusion in your space. By doing such an experiment, you bring Integrity to the Context of your life.Put each Conclusion on the table by saying 'That is a Conclusion'. Tell them "When you make a Conclusion, you cut yourself off for me and from what is Possible in this space." You can clear express: "I refuse to interact with people who make and carry conclusion about me."
At the end of the week, make a 2-to-3-minute selfie video about your discoveries of forbidding the use of Conclusion in your Next Culture.
After publishing your selfie-video, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.04
Build a model of a Wall with a large cardboard. The Wall needs to be at least 1 meter tall and should fit on your desk.
This experiment lasts until the Wall is complete. How to complete the Wall?
Every time, you make a Conclusion about someone or someone makes a Conclusion about you, draw a brick in the Wall (5cm height x 10 cm lenght) write the Conclusion inside the brick. Every conclusion is a brick in your Wall.
Warning! It has a front and a back.
The front is for your Conclusion. The back is for other's Conclusion about you or the world. Anybody can write their conclusions your Wall.
After a week or less, you will have a Conclusion Wall.
At the end of the week, meditate on your Conclusion Wall by reading all the conclusions out loud. Video-record yourself reading each Conclusion out loud from your Wall.
Then, if you want and in a safe place, burn your Conclusion Wall until it becomes ashes. Video-record the burn of the Wall in the video.
During and after the burning ritual, notice the shift in the spaces that you hold, the possibilities that you have access to, the arguments that you have (or lack of), the degree to which you can connect with other people.
After completing each step this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.05
This is an ideal experiment to set up in your Possibility Team, or 3Cell. You set one week to do the experiment, and then report on your discoveries in your next meeting.
All day long, unconsciously, you hold Conclusions about who you are, about what you can do or cannot do, about what is is possible or not for you. Most of your Conclusins are 'negative' one such as 'I can't do this.' 'This was not good enough.' 'I wish I was different.' 'What I do will never work.' 'It will always be like this for me.ยด
The experiment is to track scrupulously each and every one of your Conclusions about yourself, and capture them in your Beep! Book. The main challenge will be for you to lower your Numbness Bar to your own Conclusions. You have been carrying these Conclusions for so long that they have faded into the wallpaper of your life - ever present and unnoticeable. You might think that carrying these Conclusions is how Life goes.
After capturing your Conclusions, inquire about your Gremlin benefit, your Underworld payoff for having created and carried these Conclusions about yourself for so long. What are your survival purpose getting out of these Conclusions? Inquire about each of your Conclusions separately and write down your discoveries in your Beep! Book as well.
Report your Conclusions and your Gremlin's payoffs to your Possibility Team or your 3Cell.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.06
Do this experiment is your Possibility Team or one of your Team. Set up the space as a stage, chair lined up facing one direction. Ask someone to be the Theater Director.
When Theater Director prompts someone start, go on stage. The Director will invite you to: 'Please start something'. You start. Follow your first impulse and act it out.
First, notice where the impulse comes from. Is it a thought, feeling, energetic protections, defensive strategy, is it a commitment? Where does it come from in your body? In your life? Is it even yours or does it come from your father?
Then, notice what are the Conclusions attached to your first impulse and action.
As you are following your first impulse, play out your Conclusions - say them out loud, use your different bodies to act out your pre-made Conclusions.
For example: 'I'm going to be on the stage and I am going to know that whole list of conclusions that I have.'
Include the awareness of your Conclusions in your played out actions in that you enact everything with even more intention.
After you started enacting this dimension of your personality-Conclusion , the audience can interact with you: ask you questions and reflect on what they are seeing. Do not break out of the facet of personality that you are enacting. Keep going and respond as the personality that you are.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.07
This experiment can be done on stage or groups of 3 in your Possibility Team or 3Cell.
Find these opposing Conclusions that you carry inside of yourself.
For example:
* I need money to live // I hate that I am constraining myself because I think I need money to live.
* I want to be skinny and sexy // The real beauty is not the apparence but what is inside.
* I need to be safe // I want to live
* I need to be understood // If people understand me then I will be loved, and I cannot let myself by loved.
* I want to be in the Team // I need to take care of myself and therefore cannot join.
Tell your Team your opposing conclusions.
Then go on stage, and have them fight it out. Stand on the left when the first Conclusion is speaking, and stand on the right when the second Conclusion is speaking. Have each of your Conclusion argue that they are is right and the other Conclusion is wrong. Do not overdo it. It is not about laughing.
The purpose is to reveal your Inner Conversation.
Your team members can use their sensitivity to guide you into the deeper layers of your Conclusions.Let your whole Underworld scenario come out.
Alternatively: you can ask two of your team members to role-play each one of your Conclusion. They fight it out on stage displaying your Underworld to you.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.08
For the next week, your mission - if you accept it - is to invent and use a number of different ways to assassinate Conclusions coming from yourself or from other people.
For example, these are some ways:
* Use logic to drill down into a Conclusion that you encounter until it is so full of holes that nothing is left of the Conclusion.
* Use humour to amplify the Conclusion to ridiculousness.
* Make a Meta-Conclusion - as if you were a Greek God, call in a bigger, more massive Meta-Conclusion to crush out the existence of the puny little Conclusion offered to you.
* Use Vacuum Learning and take the Conclusion maker three levels down to what is really happening.
* Start chanting a mantra or a Broadway tune.
* Call in health practices like drinking nettle tea or doing a yoga posture until you do not have enough energy to maintain the Conclusion because your energy is being used doing health practice.
* Call the person's Mother right there to report that this person has made a Conclusion and that their mother should talk to them about it
After each Conclusion you assassinate, draw a souvenir of the Conclusion in your Beep! Book as a trophy.
Assassinate at least 15 conclusions in the entire week.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.09
Any Conclusion that you make about yourself, others, the world or about what is possible creates a Fantasy World. You, other people and things are in constant Evolution. Nothing stays the same. A Conclusion is an attempt at freezing something that is unwilling to stay the same. Therefore, the only place that yours, others or the world can be frozen is in a Fantasy World out of touch with reality.
When you make a Conclusion and put yourself in this fantasy world, it feels so real. In a Fantasy World you have no access to reality, meaning you also have no access to Possibility, Love, Authenticity, or Life. It is a dead space. If you are holding on to Conclusion, you must like being dead.
Fantasy Worlds made by Conclusions are for examples,
- My partner needs to nurture me. This is a Relationship-Conclusion. The Fantasy World is that of a frozen image of a Prince or a Princess.
- I cannot create or do what I want because people do not like it. The Fantasy World is pretending that you hands are tied by a piece of rope.
The first part of this experiment is to track down at least 5 of your Fantasy Worlds that you have locked yourself into by using Conclusions. For this part of the experiment, a Team might find itself being extremely useful.
For the second part of this experiment, start by making Altars to your Fantasy Worlds. Each Fantasy World has a unique Altar. The altar needs a candle, some sacred objects and an object that represents each Fantasy World.
For one week, make offerings to your Fantasy World. Each offering is a part of your life that you are giving away in order to keep the Fantasy World and the Conclusion alive. Write down all the things that you sacrifice on a piece of paper and put them in front of the altar as an offering.
Such as: I give up...
...a delightful evening with your partner
...taking the next step for my project...tasting my orange juice
...missing out on an EHP or a personal development jewel
At the end of the week, if you are Angry enough, Sad enough, Scared anough about your Commitment to your Fantasy Worlds then burn the whole thing as a Healing process for giving up the Fantasy World.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONCLUSI.10
The procedure is to understand that a Zombie is a person living in a world built entirely out of Conclusions. Every Conclusion that you can dissolve brings a zombie back to life. Each time, it is one step further in coming back to life.
The experiment here for you to shift identity and becoming A ZOMBIE SLAYER.
This experiment is not about rescuing people or trying to change people.
It is about liberating potential. As a zombie slayer, your focus is on people's potential.
Your job here is to bring a Conclusion to light by putting it on the table. The awareness itself of the fact this Conclusion cuts them from Life and blocks their Potential, that awareness is painful is enough to dissolve the Conclusion.
The experiment is to use the techniques that you distilled in Experiment #8 'Become a Conclusion Assasion', however, now your focus is to bring people back to life and unleash potential.
Hint: Make a t-shirt or a name tag with 'Zombie Slayer', as a way for people to ask you about it. They already have a Conclusion that they do not know what a Zombie Slayer is. Right there, do your first Zombie-Slaying.
The experiment is complete after you have slayed 8 Zombies.
When you have dissolved a conclusion that liberated potential, make sure that you talk about it with them and celebrate.
After you have celebrated slaying 8 zombies, please register Matrix Code CONCLUSI.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade context-shift personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz, powered by Possibility Management. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code CONCLUSI.00 to log your Matrix Points at https://login.startover.xyz/. Thank you for playing full out!